Confessions of an Independent high class Escort in Bangalore.
Once I decided to leave my home town in Tamil Nadu the destination was clear and so was my Pursuit to choose a career that would make me richer sooner.I was clear on one matter of concern life is short and live king size and choose a short cut to achieve the same and when i joined the team at Bangalore Girl Friends Experience team I wasn't disappointment and It was an amazing experience from there on and i experienced the sophistication and class i dream.
Sooner I was the topper in my team as an Independent high class Escort in Bangalore and a favorite among my clients and I really loved the celebrity high class life in Bangalore.
I found plenty very interesting clients here in Bangalore and very Interesting stories to tell and with my current life style i have no one to share the same and penning my thoughts here to share my experiences as an Independent high class Escort in Bangalore.
When I first came to Bangalore I was lucky enough to locate this agency Bangalore Girl Friends Experience and Immediately joined them as an high end Escort in Bangalore and I had two sides of coin in my life one as a normal Brahmin lady with friends and an extended family and friends and the other life that was full of secrets and Surprises almost every day and i could not control at moments when i am not able to share my best of experience in my career an Independent high class Escort in Bangalore with some body and had this honor of writing experience to share my thoughts with my clients who will very well appreciate ( ! ) my level of thoughts.
When in my home town my life was a messed up with my family problems loans and all other regular stuffs in a typical middle class set and it just dawned one fine day that i may be a sinking in a quagmire and the more the days passed i felt I was sinking more in the quagmire and decided to move on and that's when i inherited from my Family my family debts.
When i a kid I suffered enough abuses from my step father and started to have a string of boyfriends in my home town . Not a good start i know but this had a bearing on my life I got taken into care of my sister and when i was 12 and I had attempted suicide when i was 15 had sought counseling from then on and I was under numerous therapists but the damage was done..
Growing up in my home town in Tamil Nadu I was mostly an introverted child . I didn't like people or liked getting close to people and I would lock myself up in my bedroom for hours together and then then i met a friend at school , her life was messed up as mine and We went out partied and we got spoiled in the very beginning of my life and things went down hill from there took everyday as it came my way and I partied / Drunk literally 24 /7 . I abused alcohol When i was not drinking i would be with any of my boy friends and I was living the fast life meeting people and meeting men . I was getting attention and loving it and did understand that my beauty was the magnetic side which made myself attracted to many men around me and my life was mad and going no where.At the prime age of my teen I was spoiled enough and I would sleep with different guys and I loved the attention and guys would say i am a beautiful lady then i would know i had to have them and In fact on some days i had to sleep with 3 guys in a night and I had a high sex drive in my prime teen age and thought attention from male gender was a mint in the Ice.
That is when one of my friend introduced me to another friend of hers from Bangalore. She was an amazing lady and we all went out drunk and partied and here I was alluded about my new friend we may call her Natasha for the name sake and where she get her all the money from and she had Stinking money flowing out of her her designer bag and i did asked her she said she modeled and I believed her then as she was Charming Chocolate baby.
The day dawned on me one fine day she ( Natasha ) confessed she is an Independent high class Escort in Bangalore working with Bangalore girl friends Experience and cracked my mind with the thought why have sex for free when you can get paid well.
Here Started my day and I still Remember it was July 23 rd 2010 and from that point in my life I Started to look into my future myself and me alone and I was pretty cloudy in judgment but i try anything once and Natasha told me her clients in Bangalore paid her 10,000 for an hour of sex.
And from that day i pestered her to make myself the same as an Independent high class Escort in Bangalore and put an end to my percent mess up here with my family set up and she told me , its not as easy as what you think . But she did introduced me to Bangalore Girl Friends Experience team.
All went well from there on and my life as an Independent high class Escort in Bangalore was one big party from there on. Life were excellent . I shopped in MG Road till i dropped , and I partied all night in the best clubs in Bangalore and yes made good and enough money for my savings and I was getting a reputation in rich circles in Bangalore for the discretion and here in Bangalore discretion is key and rich and famous men in Bangalore pay good money for it .
This is how i started
Nice to hear my beginning of my story and that's how my career as an Independent high class Escort in Bangalore started and where i am now is because of my Company Bangalore Girl Friends Experience and this how i moved on with my life when i started to work as an Independent high class Escort in Bangalore.