Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic
Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic. Shadow pandemic is a word defining Violence against women in the home. The pandemic had made the whole world be in the comfort zone of their homes. Domestic Violence against women at home in the pandemic is increasing, with notable people voicing their opinions worldwide.
Women, in general, subjected to Domestic Violence. Besides, in this lockdown, suppression of women at homes were reported.
UN Women raises awareness of the shadow pandemic of Violence against women during COVID-19. There were enough Incidents to raise the alarm towards savagery against women.
Men in nature are more dominant. Besides, dominant Men cannot make an equipoise for women to sustain. The hereditary nature of man will never let him bring equilibrium in his home.
The pandemic had brought all of us to stay indoors for time infinite. Furthermore, Violence against women unleashed globally to crush her mentally and physically.
UN Women, the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and women’s empowerment, launched the Shadow Pandemic public awareness campaign, focusing on the global increase in domestic Violence amid the COVID-19 health crisis.
Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic
Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic is a case that went unnoticed. Besides, the nature of the Job had never let any Bangalore escorts raise their voice against the savageness suffered at home in the lockdown times.
Debate on this unchaste profession is not at this time of the pandemic. Shockingly, the women pursuing a job for her survival subjected to the Shadow pandemic is admiringly true in very close circles.
Bangalore escorts, now in homes after the lockdowns, were intensely harmed by male members. There were occurrences of Violence domestic in nature.
Gfe Bangalore a close-knit family of Bangalore escorts. Nevertheless, we did take care of the situation by taking stern and strict engagement against the suppression of women.
The past was a breadwinning member. The story is about a bread earning member in the family now incompetent of making for her family. Till yesterday Bangalore escorts were taking care of her family. Now with the current scenario, she is feeble to earn the same money as before.
Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic
Bangalore escorts and Lockdowns
Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic
The turbulence is worldwide. Besides, Bangalore escorts are now more converging on alternative methods of empowering themself. Most of the Bangalore escorts now preoccupied with alternative work from home Jobs.
The desirable achieved by counselling. Additionally, the team meet through zoom calls on every day with tips to benefit each other. Moreover, every possible passion of the lady transformed into a business worthwhile. Positive vibes spread along with every member of the Gfe Bangalore. Negativity is the last thing in a Bangalore escorts mind.
Some have started Youtube channels teaching cooking tips. Some have begun to sell sarees online. Interestingly, one of the Bangalore escorts is selling paintings online. Moreover, one of the young Bangalore escorts is reaping the benefit of the season in selling ripe Alphonso Mangoes.
Shadow pandemic was an issue in the initial stages. Gfe Bangalore took the case with firmness. Almost all of the Bangalore escorts employed with Gfe Bangalore engaged in odd part-time jobs.
Dependency is the cause of the Shadow pandemic. Dependency on men for every matter of concern is the root cause. Besides, when women are independent on their own. The man automatically drops his ego. Man is not a fear. Man is to be feared when there is a dependency clause.
Bangalore escorts employed with Gfe Bangalore are no longer victims of shadow pandemic. Looking into a more bright tomorrow with no fear, we march for a new dawn.