Thursday, 15 July 2021

Diary of a Bangalore escorts

Diary of a Bangalore escorts 

Diary of a Bangalore escorts is an intrinsic endeavor by Gfe Bangalore to bring the reality of a Bangalore life. Besides, it is not as glamourous as depicted by the media. Notably, in this pandemic.  

The Second Wave of the pandemic stuck all of us suddenly. Mostly none of us was prepared to face this sudden situation in our routine life. Additionally, when 2021 was with Hopes and promises. It just dawned a little late of rough days ahead. 

Now all of us are in clarity of a third wave and the fourth. Maybe a collective number of waves to hit us in the coming days. Nevertheless, Collectively we all are glued together with trust and confidence.

Laudable is the government efforts in containing the spread of the virus. Additionally, almost all Bangalore escorts employed in Gfe Bangalore vaccinated. Besides Bangalore escorts working with Gfe Bangalore are all occupied in odd Jobs as part-timers working from Home. 

Times are tough. Additionally, tough times teach us better ways. Furthermore, it is better to stay afloat in more challenging times for a better tomorrow. 

Female escorts on Pandemic days 2021

Diary of Bangalore escorts on the Pandemic days is an attempt to bring the reality of women in Gfe Bangalore. We are pretty busy engaging in odd jobs of work from Home. Delightfully we are quite engaging with our colleagues on various topics. Lastly, Some of God’s Gifts Come in Newfangled Packages. The pandemic is showing us a newer way to live a life. 

Life was never envisioned. Besides, the only way we can have bread and butter is the honest way. Nevertheless, the Pay is meagre. We live a life of non-dependable on any person for whatsoever means. 

Seldom does complete truth confessed by any humans. Besides, rarely can it happen that something is not a little camouflaged. The gift of God came hidden as the pandemic in changing the lives of most of the Bangalore escorts.

To question whether we will continue our life as Bangalore escorts. The future has the answer. Ifsoever we get well settled in life in what we do as off part-time Jobs. We can consider being a chaste woman in our life.

Bangalore escorts on a lockdown.

Lockdowns have become a regular phase in life. Besides, locked indoors is almost a norm in all our life. What hits you had hit us well. Nevertheless, Bangalore escorts have started to a new way of living. Furthermore, it is no more idle days on a lockdown. 

When I look outside the streets of Bangalore, I feel emptiness,

When I look inside of myself, I think annihilation.

Lockdown of Sensations.

Lockdowns is an endless story now.

Entirely Blank is Bangalore streets.

It is Black everywhere.

Suffocating, claustrophobic, saturation point crossed!


Bangalore escorts. Happiness is making idle time worthwhile.

Bangalore escorts, Will, Live for that.

We thank God for the little time you had given to rethinking ourselves. 

Bangalore escorts thank God for space to reinvent ourselves.

The debatable question is whether we will continue our escorting business once the pandemic is over. 

A wicked smirk came from all the Bangalore escorts. For the above question.

Diary of Bangalore is an honest attempt by Gfe Bangalore to bring the reality of living alive amidst this pandemic 2021. None of the narratives ghostwritten. Bangalore escorts penned every word. Lastly, Bangalore escorts trying to stay alive in the tide taking their toll every day.