Sunday, 28 February 2016

Independent Escorts in Bangalore

We team at Independent Escorts in Bangalore had decided to write interminable and ceaseless with a purpose to bring a change in our careeras an escort in Bangalore and in the process of writing we did have good admirers and fans who happened to have a insight of our profession of escorting and never had a regret in pursuing our career as an escort in Bangalore and never for that matter blame fate and we believe we  Independent Escorts in Bangalore are born for a purpose and are willingly pursuing our passion as our occupation.

Our writings are never porn or erotic narration of the encounter with our clients but are carefully supervised and polished to perfection and will always have a positivity to inject more value to our escorting business.

We  Independent Escorts in Bangalore are very much aware of our short lived life and we live a life  like a Mayflies also called as 'one-day insects' because of their shortest life span some members of mayfly family die within few hours and their life lasting only for 24 hours and we  Independent Escorts in Bangalore are aware of  being a rotten fruit with the passage of time and our protagonist are aware and positive with our short lived life and life is as an  IndependentEscorts in Bangalore is all in its glory when we are ripe and we do have fans and clients who like a bee  which knows the  beatitude  and blessedness of a fresh pollinating  fragrant rose and we keep us moving in life and we are humbly grateful to all our partisan and lovers. and our fans who  are aware how irresistible. we IndependentEscorts in Bangalore are when comparing  to the  services we do offer.
Like a ripest mango we get value and a client is intuitive in selecting the best fragrant flower from our garden of Independent Escorts inBangalore and we are glad we have enough of the best perfumed and aromatic flowers in our garden of Independent Escorts in Bangalore for a client to pollinate.

When I started mu career as an escort in Bangalore I was disquietude and repulsive of the thought of sleeping with strangers but with passage of time and getting familiar with the escorting business I am more at ease as an   Independent Escorts inBangalore and consider my career as more prospective than most of my regular friends who live a regular life.

My friends do have their thoughts and interpretation of the escorting business and having lived a life of an escort so far we never would like to debate on our career as an escort in Bangalore and will never applaud or recommend the escorting business to any girl and it is my own intuition and intention I am an Independent Escorts in Bangalore and I pride in my adjudication of being an escort.
Does an  IndependentEscorts in Bangalore force sell here self  and it is much prevalent practice in India to traffic Innocent women in this escorting business and there is law to take care of the same  but we  Independent Escorts in Bangalore are independent women who had pursued this career as an escort out of our own willingness and we blame the political mafia for not branding our industry  for what it deserves and when an individual is practicing a career out of her own willingness and  we live a life of fear and are apprehensive of the law of the state.

We are always egoistic in being Independent Escorts inBangalore and for pursuing a career that had been our passion and devote our life in being an Independent Escorts in Bangalore and live a life of ecstasy and ebullience.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Independent Escorts in Bangalore

How may we define the momentarily lusting of a satyriasis and the interim love a man showers upon an Independent Escorts in Bangalore and the transitory fondness the fleeting kindness with an  Independent Escorts in Bangalore.

We Independent Escorts in Bangalore are very much aware of the time frame we are hired and are experienced in handling a client and are aware of a client who is more Inclined in quenching his lust and we genuinely accept being a form of product for a client who seeks to quench  his lusty thirst and we uprightly confess and  accept the truth we Independent Escorts in Bangalore  are just to douse the fantasy of a man.

A man loves his family and his love is focused on his wife and family and the love he showers on his family is unparalleled and we  Independent Escorts in Bangalore are just hired in between for a short time and the conflict of the love towards an escort and his family is unbiased and it is a rarest of a man to conflict his commitment towards his family for the momentarily and fleeting  relationship with an  Independent Escorts in Bangalore

A man is paying to get a choice and never intends to pay an escort again and again and he is always on the hunt for new escorts and a regular monger will never be a repeated client to any escort and will always seek an new escort to quich his lust.

A courtesan is a person who is in the next higher level of an escort and manages a very small clientele for her survival and a courtesan are selected individuals of escorts who are elusive in this escorting business.

A Lothario or a satyriasis is a man who is obsessed with sexual fantasies and will need multiple women to lust his lust full thoughts and if he has no option of an escort he may venture out and prowl in this vast world endangering the innocent women   

An escort stands on guard invisibly and stands in protection for the innocent women in the society and a man when is untamed can have animal behavior and his actions can never be on conscience levels.

We are aware of the cursory alliance with a client and we Independent Escorts in Bangalore are very much deciduous and transitory in nature shedding away the clients as days pass by.

Its is a rarest of cases where a client gets addicted to one escort and a client addiction to escorting is a serous business to be probed and when alcoholism is considered evil and smoking is labeled as killing weapons and there is no Proof of an womanizer or a or a Lothario dying because of a woman.

To this society we Independent Escorts in Bangalore ceased to be a species who are ever ready to show an excess of magnanimity with our clients.

We live a life of an  Independent Escorts in Bangalore with losing our prime of youth and live a dormant  life when we get older.

And No blow jobs had killed a man and we Independent Escorts in Bangalore live a life with pride catering and pampering to mans lusty needs and live a life with amour-propre.

Friday, 26 February 2016

Independent Escorts in Bangalore

As an Independent Escorts in Bangalore we Pride in our profession of escorting and strive to bring value for being an IndependentEscorts in Bangalore and to be a successful escort in Bangalore we always strive for excellence in our job as an Independent Escorts in Bangalore and the  desire to win and urge to live a life had always motivated us in having the clients  expectations as priority and we constantly drive our self in excelling in our field of escorting in Bangalore.

We Independent Escorts in Bangalore crave for excelling in our field of escorting in Bangalore and in the process and with a desire to be motivated we live a life of an escort with a commitment and determination.

Perfection in any profession is not attainable and so in escorting business we crave for client satisfaction and in the process excel our skills as escorts in Bangalore and when we strive to be perfectionist and it just  happened we  stumbled  upon excellence in the being the best Independent Escorts in Bangalore !

If we are to answer the question of the various breeds of client's we do have and we do have enough categorizations of clients and we can with our empiricism knowledge smell a client and his attitude before actually meeting him.

Most of the client never intends Physical relationship as priority rather seeks solace with us from his regular routine life style and we offer the comfort zone for a man when he seeks liberation from his routine life style.

An new recruited escort in our team of Independent Escorts in Bangalore asked the below questions

1.Life had become tumultuous and chaotic after pursuing the career as an Independent Escorts in Bangalore

If your career as an Independent Escorts in Bangalore have an engrossed life style and makes you active and only a productive career can make your mind and soul a free mind and the truth is an escort is serving the society from the sinful Satyriasis.

2.My life had become arduous and convoluted after pursuing my career as an Independent Escorts in Bangalore

Life as an Independent Escorts in Bangalore is to live and not to be dissected and an escort’s life style is to be lived in the conscious level of mind and not to be complicated with the social and society.

3.Why after pursuing a career as an escort in Bangalore I am always unhappy?

The social stigma about escorting is political drama and slowly the world is transforming and in most countries escorting had become a legal business and what we tell our sub conscience mind is what matters rather than what had been a propaganda for Vedanta for ages and we come from a Prestigious ancestral back ground where Devadasi system was a legal activity in Ancient India.

Being Guilty for being an Independent Escorts in Bangaloreis a shame and man who visits an Independent Escort in Bangalore is never a target of accusation and we escorts  play the role of serving an needy person and this  grim coalition combines to inculpate an Independent Escort in Bangalore within  themselves for the crimes committed against women hood.

4.Why is that only me going through all this sufferings in life

God always makes his best child a better human being by polishing it to its best like a diamond and an escort becomes a better human being by cruising through all troubled waters in her life.
It’s always when we suffer we ask why me and not when we prosper why ask our self why me alone succeeded?

We live a prided life and we live as Independent Escorts in Bangalore.