Monday, 8 July 2019

Radhikha Rai - Bangalore escorts - Gfe Bangalore™ | Jobs female escorts

Bangalore escorts

Bangalore escorts 

“I do a patrician profession of lusting with lecherous men as I do quench the debauched  patrons I am rewarded with names like a bitch and a slut to be in the worst part a whore and unchaste women for being honestly living a life of Bangalore escorts”

I am a software professional doing the Job of a Bangalore escorts as part-time with all the blaspheming enclosing me in a tight embrace as I get strangled with the anathema of Samaritans only the mollifying patrons who storm us as bees make us in ease.

This job of Bangalore escorts is rather we do in pursuit of seeing see the real color of money as the flavor of money is lying idle in too many places as we women are deep diving our self in search of the scanty product which had been shelved in most of the houses to get rusted.

We have rather emptied our thoughts on age-old beliefs of virtuous living and to be a chaste woman as our goal is mostly to reach the next level of living in the comfort zone a life fit to be queen size as we march in honestly to level the heights of this short-lived life of female gender.

Arbitrating on so many levels of grievances had led us towards the path of renting our time to the superior gentleman willing to spend a fortune for the time rented out as we Gfe team girls are well aware of our endurance here in this Gfe team is not far stretched as they do have a strict policy of not extending the tenure of girls for more than a year, we ensure our patrons are contented and appeased with the true love we rent out to them.

The love we rent out is never masked to falsify our patrons but rather it is short lived and only last for the time frame mutually agreed upon as there is no stigma attached to the inconspicuous bond we mutually agree upon on meeting and parting our ways.

The scar of imputation that lies in our conscience in being a call girl is quite an error that cannot be erased out of our memory for a long time as we get eased in our lives once the short living episode of being Bangalore escorts gets over.

The institution of Gfe Bangalore is very clear in the recruiting of new Bangalore escorts in their team for a very short time ranging from 3 months to one year at the best for any lady who is seeking to be part of this fun activity to make a quick relief out of her immediate needs of funds.

We are from a good family background and had never dreamt of sleeping with strangers to meet our end as and when the fate had doomed us ill-fatedly we had never given up the struggle of moving forward in our lives with a positive note of fortitude and grit as we spread this word  I personally will like to pen down my thought of quitting this career as a Bangalore escorts as early I can to move towards my next journey of life of being a good parent to my kids and a loving wife my hubby.

We, women, do aspire in being virtuous and chaste but can never be turning our back when the right is being denied as we take up the worse task of renting our self  to meet our end we ensure there is a full stop in our endeavor once we see the turbulent storm is over and we move back where we are as a celibate lady.

Navia Nair-Bangalore escorts - Gfe Bangalore™- jobs Independent escorts

Bangalore escorts

Bangalore escorts 

We women pursuing the job of Bangalore escorts are products to quench the thirst and hunger of a salaciously emaciated connoisseur and debonair in Bangalore as we are devoted piously to the divine task of lusting with the patrons addicted to us.

“We women in the profession of escorting are used to men who treat us like a princess  until their rendezvous of quenching their lust is over aftermath we are just a whore  and a slut for our beloved patrons”

When we women are deserted with all possible ways to find ourselves a solution to the prevailing issues for money we have no better option other than to sell ourselves for a rented time mutually agreed upon.

Virginity for sale in India

The new trend that is fast catching up in India is auctioning off the virginity as most of the girls have concluded giving away the virginity as a preserved product to loved married man or the boyfriend is of no use as we witness men are always the same  the deceiving types and more women in the western nations have come up in auctioning their virginity to the highest bidder.

There are famed escort agency dealing with this in the western countries who have tweeted and acknowledged their involvement in the sale proceedings and all matters of concern are legally documented so as not to have an issue to the buyer or the giver in the transactions made.
Here the buyer is the millionaire who has made the highest bid and the giver is the lady who has legally accepted to lose her virginity to the buyer and the auction happens in millions of dollars and do kindly google auction of virginity to find the truth. 

The same is spreading here in India like wildfire where we find more and more women opting to sell their virginity for the highest bidder as we guide them and do counsel them to get the best offer possible.

Women pursuing the job of Bangalore escorts have lost our virginity ages back with some unknown boyfriend or with the hubby who we had married and found our self in the losing ground with the new trend that is fast catching like wildfire in this digital age.

Bangalore escorts are in this profession of escorting for a short span of time with calculated time mentioning the time and money we will be requiring for us to pursue the job of Bangalore escorts.

Counseling for aspiring Bangalore escorts

Women do get proper counseling in Gfe Bangalore for us not to pursue this profession of escorting as the famous words of Gfe Bangalore goes this way at the end if not us you will for sure try with others instead you can stay with us and pursue this for a while till you get settled with all your problems.

Gfe Bangalore councils every applicant willing to join this fun activity as a Bangalore escorts to make a quick buck and resist all those who are seeking only money as money seekers care a damn about customer satisfaction Gfe Bangalore resists and avoid women seeking money alone.

We have been actively involved in the inner circle of Gfe Bangalore and do care a lot on the money value our patrons contribute and the time spent and our continuity in this barter trade of escort lots depend upon the goodwill we amass and the word of mouth advertising we may get from our regular and active patrons.

Reshmi Shetty -Bangalore escorts | Gfe Bangalore™ | Independent escorts

Bangalore escorts 

Bangalore escorts

Bangalore escorts construe the task of quenching the lust as being purest of all tasks undertaken with no hidden agenda as we play the game what we came for and are focused individuals brawling with the Samaritans who had been in a long dispute with our profession of escorting.

Call girls in Bangalore are defiled once we pursue the job of Bangalore escorts and are denied the purity a virtuous woman possesses as we women are piously devoted to our task of quenching the lust of the lecherous connoisseurs.

We do get names for pursuing a job as Bangalore escorts in Bangalore girlfriends experience that is quite befouling the conscience in us as we are moving forward in our lives with the spirit and tenacity to reach our goals as at times we get tired of being a courtesan all throughout the day of being a mistress to our beloved patrons we heal our wounds with renouncing our needs.

Bangalore escorts are martyrs.

Women habituating the profession of escorting are strong-willed and focussed in the Job as Bangalore escorts and merits rewards for her serviceability in protecting the virtuous women from the preying salacious men on the prowl.

Men are of defrauding nature and the habit of deceiving  had been witnessed over the ages and never can a man change his inherited skills of betrayal as the women are the fatality here and so we women have raised our voices and never to be a martyr on the men’s hands we prefer playing the same game in a better way benefiting our self.

Banning any product is a better way to make it more desirable as more and more Samaritans bellow on women selling their bodies we get to be more and more alluring to the seeker. 

Intimate love with the wife or girlfriend has expectations with greediness attached to it as far a lusting and loving with a paid sex worker it is defined well before with value of money and time duration so their likelihood of any complications in the relationship is to arise.

Bidding adieus on departure, as well as greetings on arrival of a sex worker, is a ritual followed by all patrons in a very similar manner where Bangalore escorts see a similarity with all patrons.

Sexual immorality in a man arises out of chagrin in daily chores as sanctified can be achieved by being piously devoting in the family affairs and being a loyal servant to wife and a good parent to the children. 

Rendezvous with Bangalore escorts is an avocation carouse by the connoisseurs and debonair in Bangalore on a regular basis with no counting of money spent but the value the time and quality of the companions have no compromise here. 

The loser here in the common man who gets a monthly salary and gets to spend all his earnings on a luxury product like Bangalore escorts as we openly confess the truth here we solemnly pledge we care for all the patrons who come to us for a good time and never intended to burn their pockets in the end.
We are free willed independent women catering exclusively to the elusive to the deserving gentleman in the garden city n the vicinity of any five-star graded hotels or homes that may be a place of security and safer for both of us involved.