Sunday, 25 July 2021

Female Escort jobs

Female Escort jobs for free-willed women. Women aspiring for a female escort. Part-time Female Escort jobs assured with confidentiality and privacy.

“I am living my life as an escort with unlimited patience. The men I meet, love my Independent spirit. Similarly, I applaud my self as a human being. It had always been nice to be appreciated. However, I love to meet a new man every day of my life. Likewise, it is a nice feeling to get paid for a passionate hobby of mine.”

Study on Female Escort jobs for the beginners. Women are trying to pursue Female Escort jobs in India. 


Generally, the woman stresses her life with financials tensions her life is going to get entangled. Consequently, A decision to pursue Female Escort jobs maybe last option any lady will like to continue in her life.

Therefore, only an audacious lady will be able to take an accord compromising on her conscience to live a life with freedom of thought and action. Thereby, Women are liberated and are rebellious in thought and action. Likewise, to make a career as an escort to fight the orthodox way of living the life of a chaste woman.

More and more women are choosing a part-time career as a Female Escort jobs to fund her immediate financial crisis. Consequently, the freedom of sexuality is getting a new definition with new-age women spreading themselves as the new age escorts.


Step 1

Before trying to start Female Escort jobs. Identify the right escorts agency and getting matters of concern clear with the admins in the agency on doing and do not in a career as a female escort.

Step 2

Ensuring dress attires are fitting into the elite lifestyle of any five-star hotel.

Step 3

Compromising the conscience for the time being in being a sensual woman. As well as have a mind on the exit plan well in advance.

Step 4

Creating an alias name and phone number to conceal the identity.

Step 5

Advocating safer sex and ensuring protection is always there in the hand purse. When so over, If there is trouble. Have a mind to walk out of the house. Means, out of the deal of rendezvous with the debonair.

Step 6

Ensuring an honest and transparent relationship with both the client and the agency Gfe Bangalore. I get employment for a prolonged time in place of my honesty.

Step 7

Live two lives of a normal girl and the vagabond lady. Principally, as two separate lives and never to combine both as the healthy lady life is more a secure and safest one in the longer run.

 Step 8

Similarly, Never to be carried away by the money. I am doing as an escort. Living a simple life with savings as a priority for the rainy days ahead.

Step 9

Moreover, Never to reveal any private information that may reveal identity to the client for whatsoever matter for concern.

Step 10.

To conclude, follow Step 5 in the most pious and dedicated manner.

Adult job vacancy as High-class  female escorts.


  • We get Reliable and regular clients from a reputable escort agency.
  • We get paid well for the services we offer.
  • No risk on legal aspects
  • Protection from legitimate threats.
  • Verified and Genuine Clientele.
  • Assured Monthly Income.
  • Secured Feeling assured with colleagues.
  • Daily work
  • No security when visiting a client
  • No verification on a client.
  • Trouble in choosing the right client.
  • Bargaining the right Price.
  • Legal threats to get faced as an Individual.
  • Advertising on her own. Answering unwanted calls.
Advantages are showing more light in an Independent elite escort in Bangalore.  Besides, I choose to align myself with the leading escort agency in Bangalore. Thereon, I am here with safety and assured monthly income. Moreover, I am happy to be associated with a leading Escort Agency in Bangalore.


I have two faces or two lives ( Faceoff ) and in my personal life.

I am the lady who you may often see in the temple in half saree going in rounds around the idols and a typical south Indian lady.

Usually, I am a typical south Indian lady. Another side of me is a torn jean and see-through short with matching glasses and a high heal walking with straight eyes in the road.

In my home, I am the typical lady who you will like to get married. I am a good cook and do take care of my brother and sister and my parents, and once I am on the streets.

I am the lady who is typically the women in red, and Cyndi Lauper “girls wanna have fun” lady. In bed, I am a tigress, and a man needs all his strength to tame me Lol.


Thereon, I just told myself If I need to achieve something in my life, and for my family, I have to lose something. Thus I ended being a loser and a winner. Moreover, I did lose myself, and I did uplift my family and myself financially. 

The most common way a lady loses is by asking her consciences on pursuing a career as an escort. Similarly, the lady needs all her strength in moving forward once she gets determined on pursuing a career as an escort. Consequently, Everyday life is like a box full of roses and chocolates. The best deserve to get most of it.

Subsequently, I am living my life as an escort with unlimited patience and the men I meet love my Independent spirit and applaud my self as a human being.

Nevertheless,  always been nice to be appreciated. I love to meet a new man every day of my life. It is a nice feeling paid for a passionate hobby of mine.

To conclude, I have reached the exit point where I do no longer live this life. Similarly, there are no more financial commitments. At this moment, I am now as a normal lady and will no longer pursue this job as an escort.

To summarize, Women should lay their path in clarity to put a full stop to this career as an escort. However hard the temptation of money as living chaste women is absolute than living with blood-stained money.

 Reach us at Text WhatsApp +91 8095650014.

Email us at for Female Escort jobs.

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Diary of a Bangalore escorts

Diary of a Bangalore escorts 

Diary of a Bangalore escorts is an intrinsic endeavor by Gfe Bangalore to bring the reality of a Bangalore life. Besides, it is not as glamourous as depicted by the media. Notably, in this pandemic.  

The Second Wave of the pandemic stuck all of us suddenly. Mostly none of us was prepared to face this sudden situation in our routine life. Additionally, when 2021 was with Hopes and promises. It just dawned a little late of rough days ahead. 

Now all of us are in clarity of a third wave and the fourth. Maybe a collective number of waves to hit us in the coming days. Nevertheless, Collectively we all are glued together with trust and confidence.

Laudable is the government efforts in containing the spread of the virus. Additionally, almost all Bangalore escorts employed in Gfe Bangalore vaccinated. Besides Bangalore escorts working with Gfe Bangalore are all occupied in odd Jobs as part-timers working from Home. 

Times are tough. Additionally, tough times teach us better ways. Furthermore, it is better to stay afloat in more challenging times for a better tomorrow. 

Female escorts on Pandemic days 2021

Diary of Bangalore escorts on the Pandemic days is an attempt to bring the reality of women in Gfe Bangalore. We are pretty busy engaging in odd jobs of work from Home. Delightfully we are quite engaging with our colleagues on various topics. Lastly, Some of God’s Gifts Come in Newfangled Packages. The pandemic is showing us a newer way to live a life. 

Life was never envisioned. Besides, the only way we can have bread and butter is the honest way. Nevertheless, the Pay is meagre. We live a life of non-dependable on any person for whatsoever means. 

Seldom does complete truth confessed by any humans. Besides, rarely can it happen that something is not a little camouflaged. The gift of God came hidden as the pandemic in changing the lives of most of the Bangalore escorts.

To question whether we will continue our life as Bangalore escorts. The future has the answer. Ifsoever we get well settled in life in what we do as off part-time Jobs. We can consider being a chaste woman in our life.

Bangalore escorts on a lockdown.

Lockdowns have become a regular phase in life. Besides, locked indoors is almost a norm in all our life. What hits you had hit us well. Nevertheless, Bangalore escorts have started to a new way of living. Furthermore, it is no more idle days on a lockdown. 

When I look outside the streets of Bangalore, I feel emptiness,

When I look inside of myself, I think annihilation.

Lockdown of Sensations.

Lockdowns is an endless story now.

Entirely Blank is Bangalore streets.

It is Black everywhere.

Suffocating, claustrophobic, saturation point crossed!


Bangalore escorts. Happiness is making idle time worthwhile.

Bangalore escorts, Will, Live for that.

We thank God for the little time you had given to rethinking ourselves. 

Bangalore escorts thank God for space to reinvent ourselves.

The debatable question is whether we will continue our escorting business once the pandemic is over. 

A wicked smirk came from all the Bangalore escorts. For the above question.

Diary of Bangalore is an honest attempt by Gfe Bangalore to bring the reality of living alive amidst this pandemic 2021. None of the narratives ghostwritten. Bangalore escorts penned every word. Lastly, Bangalore escorts trying to stay alive in the tide taking their toll every day. 

Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic

Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic 

Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic. Shadow pandemic is a word defining Violence against women in the home. The pandemic had made the whole world be in the comfort zone of their homes. Domestic Violence against women at home in the pandemic is increasing, with notable people voicing their opinions worldwide. 

Women, in general, subjected to Domestic Violence. Besides, in this lockdown, suppression of women at homes were reported. 

UN Women raises awareness of the shadow pandemic of Violence against women during COVID-19.  There were enough Incidents to raise the alarm towards savagery against women. 

Men in nature are more dominant. Besides, dominant Men cannot make an equipoise for women to sustain. The hereditary nature of man will never let him bring equilibrium in his home.

The pandemic had brought all of us to stay indoors for time infinite. Furthermore, Violence against women unleashed globally to crush her mentally and physically. 

UN Women, the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and women’s empowerment, launched the Shadow Pandemic public awareness campaign, focusing on the global increase in domestic Violence amid the COVID-19 health crisis.

Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic 

Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic is a case that went unnoticed. Besides, the nature of the Job had never let any Bangalore escorts raise their voice against the savageness suffered at home in the lockdown times. 

Debate on this unchaste profession is not at this time of the pandemic. Shockingly, the women pursuing a job for her survival subjected to the Shadow pandemic is admiringly true in very close circles.  

Bangalore escorts, now in homes after the lockdowns, were intensely harmed by male members. There were occurrences of Violence domestic in nature.

Gfe Bangalore a close-knit family of Bangalore escorts. Nevertheless, we did take care of the situation by taking stern and strict engagement against the suppression of women. 

The past was a breadwinning member. The story is about a bread earning member in the family now incompetent of making for her family. Till yesterday Bangalore escorts were taking care of her family. Now with the current scenario, she is feeble to earn the same money as before. 

Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic 
Bangalore escorts and Lockdowns
Bangalore escorts and Shadow pandemic 
The turbulence is worldwide. Besides, Bangalore escorts are now more converging on alternative methods of empowering themself. Most of the Bangalore escorts now preoccupied with alternative work from home Jobs. 

The desirable achieved by counselling. Additionally, the team meet through zoom calls on every day with tips to benefit each other. Moreover, every possible passion of the lady transformed into a business worthwhile. Positive vibes spread along with every member of the Gfe Bangalore. Negativity is the last thing in a Bangalore escorts mind. 

Some have started Youtube channels teaching cooking tips. Some have begun to sell sarees online. Interestingly, one of the Bangalore escorts is selling paintings online. Moreover, one of the young Bangalore escorts is reaping the benefit of the season in selling ripe Alphonso Mangoes. 

Shadow pandemic was an issue in the initial stages. Gfe Bangalore took the case with firmness. Almost all of the Bangalore escorts employed with Gfe Bangalore engaged in odd part-time jobs.

Dependency is the cause of the Shadow pandemic. Dependency on men for every matter of concern is the root cause. Besides, when women are independent on their own. The man automatically drops his ego. Man is not a fear. Man is to be feared when there is a dependency clause.  

Bangalore escorts employed with Gfe Bangalore are no longer victims of shadow pandemic. Looking into a more bright tomorrow with no fear, we march for a new dawn.  

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Bangalore escorts and social responsibility in the pandemic

Bangalore escorts and social responsibility in the pandemic is the discussion with Gfe Bangalore. Women employed in Gfe Bangalore are empowering themself with IT Soft skills. Besides doing odd part-time jobs working from home. 

The blessings had come camouflaged. Besides, Women employed with Gfe Bangalore had no time to explore their other skills. Nevertheless, now is the time to examine in leisure the other side of themself. 

The task is time-consuming for most of the Bangalore escorts. Nonetheless, Gfe Bangalore ensures all women monitored daily on empowering themselves in various IT Soft skills. 

Social responsibility of escorts 

Gfe Bangalore ensures the safety of the client and the women in the business of escorting. Besides adhering to the rules of the land. We are maintaining all the precautionary measure as per the government orders.

But as of now, Bangalore escorts are empowering themself with soft skills anticipating a better tomorrow. Mostly, all Bangalore escorts are employed in work from home odd jobs. Gfe Bangalore assists all women in having the lockdown days to be spent premeditatedly.

Responsibility of escorts includes

Staying at home.
Social distancing.
Mostly all women employed in Gfe Bangalore can now make their lockdown days busier than the good old days of escorting. Besides, legitimizing a career for themself. None of the women pursuing a job as Bangalore escorts is straying for food or shelter in this odd times we do live. 

The level of confidence has gone up with every woman in her search for her hidden talents. Moreover, proper counselling done for each of the Bangalore escorts in exploring her hidden talents. Additionally, some are passionate about cooking. Furthermore, a few intensively occupied in making hobby as a Part-time Job. Pottery making is one of the hobbies pursues by Bangalore escorts. 

Bangalore escorts and social responsibility in the pandemic is done with a vision to create awareness among women. Besides, never did Gfe Bangalore lure women into the business of escorting. Lastly, Gfe Bangalore is never into the ethical business of preaching and exhortation speaking. 

Women seeking asylum counselled well before the lady becomes a full-time Gfe Bangalore escorts. Moreover, now with the pandemic, it is no time for hiring. Sustaining ourselves is the story as of now. 

The Fragile Existence of Bangalore escorts During the Pandemic
Bangalore escorts and social responsibility in the pandemic 
Gfe Bangalore has taken complete control of the unforeseen situation. Nevertheless, capacitating every Gfe Bangalore escorts is the mission. Exploring the hidden talents of each of the Gfe Bangalore escorts is the task. Further, to encash the same is the role each of us is indulged with passion and flame to persist. 

Gfe Bangalore escorts are all occupied in odd jobs. Some are busy making online Youtube videos on cooking. Plus, some are making pottery for handloom showrooms. Delightfully some have gone back to the school days of studying. Restarting the left career is enrapturing every one in Gfe Bangalore. 

Hopes and motivating each other is happening daily. Positivity is the rule thumb in Gfe Bangalore. Existing in the pandemic days have come as a blessing. It is the time for each of the Gfe Bangalore escorts to sit and look behind. 

Gfe Bangalore escorts fueled positively in engaging every woman in various activities. Aspiring a better tomorrow. We move every day with peace and tranquillity injected inside us.   

When negativity and impure thoughts dare its entry with Gfe Bangalore escorts. Armed with enough positively motivated people around us to chase the negativism and contaminated minds. We live with dignity and righteousness as a thumb rule.